Forum Memberlist

It is surprising, and delightful at the same time, to see different groups willing to march in our streets to call for real change. Many others in the past have already done the same, in hopes to bring change in the current system. While we continue to put people in power, one […]

By Vihaan Mathews, ago

Forum Misc

The path towards change will not be that easy. In the first place, calling for change is actually a bit more complex than anyone has thought it would be. For one, changing the people sitting in public offices may not equate to real change. We might be seeing a different face speaking in front of […]

By Vihaan Mathews, ago

Forum Forum Display

The path towards change will not be that easy. In the first place, calling for change is actually a bit more complex than anyone has thought it would be. For one, changing the people sitting in public offices is not enough if we are really going for an actual change in the society. We […]

By Vihaan Mathews, ago

2013 02 06 Repeal The Second Amendment

Throughout history, many heroes risked their own lives to allow the future generations to enjoy freedom. Even in death, these brave individuals knew that freedom is the best gift that they could ever offer the world. With this, we must always remember their sacrifices. For one, having the freedom to choose what is best […]

By Vihaan Mathews, ago

Forum Index

It is delightful to know that many people in our world today are longing for real change. This kind of change is not just something that we can see or hear. The change that we must aim must be systemic and felt by everyone, not just by the privileged few. Granted, […]

By Vihaan Mathews, ago

2011 08 16 Speak For Yourself An Open Letter To The Pl

Here at Democrats For Financial Progress, we only bring the latest information only from the most reliable and trustworthy sources. We do not condone the spread of so-called fake news, which have contributed to the divisiveness of our society. At this point in time, what we need to most is for us to be […]

By Vihaan Mathews, ago

2013 08 11 Ods Obama Derangement Syndrome

The path towards change will not be that easy. In the first place, calling for change is actually a bit more complex than anyone has thought it would be. For one, changing the people sitting in public offices may not equate to real change. We might be seeing a different face speaking in front […]

By Vihaan Mathews, ago

Forum Printthread

It is surprising to know that many people in our generation are still brave enough to call for real change, in spite of the many times that the state forces themselves have gone too far to make sure that the sentiments of the masses are contained. Many others in the past have already pleaded for […]

By Vihaan Mathews, ago

Forum Showthread

In this current generation, believing in everything that we see online is a big risk. Getting fresh and reliable information is so rare that we often double check all these facts by doing a quick search on Google. Granted, we have the internet to verify things that we read online, but there are just so […]

By Vihaan Mathews, ago

2012 06 27 Digging Deeper Justice Scalia No Fear Of His Own Horror

Here at Democrats For Financial Progress, we only bring you the latest and reliable information from the most trusted sources. Talks about politics and finance must be taken seriously, and we just could not afford hearing biased details coming from unknown individuals. Ensuring that all the reports we deliver are fact-based is one big step towards […]

By Vihaan Mathews, ago

2011 09 03 We All Have A Choice In The 2012 Election

It is astounding to see that many people in our generation are advocating for real change. Of course, many others in the past have already call for change in the current system. While many leaders have been elected in the past that promised to bring change, ordinary individuals continue to call […]

By Vihaan Mathews, ago

About Us

This blog site, Democrats For Financial Progress, gives you the latest news and updates concerning the financial and political situation of the United States of America. Without a doubt, the United States remains unseated as the superpower of the world. The country has remained competitive when it comes to economy, technology, and military advancements. It is also a center […]

By Vihaan Mathews, ago