Can you picture how the Speaker of the House is trying to delete any unruly MPs from the chat or perhaps, a tech-challenged person has accidentally live-streamed himself doing chores to the entire country? In today’s time, the pandemic has really changed the landscape how we do things and even the Parliament is not an exemption to it. You’d notice that there are a lot of politicians who are embracing virtual meetings and taking in all the benefits and drawbacks associated to it.
As what we have recently mentioned, there are many politicians who are now learning to adapt to the Post-Covid19 world much like everyone else. We have our national cabinet and leaders doing their meeting through a video chat, live TV on Skype as well as parliamentary committee members discussing national issues right in their home.
Challenges that are Given
So as with everyone else trying to battle the intermittent internet connectivity and left in awe with colleagues who do not know how to mute, it is definitely time among politicians to join the bandwagon and consider doing zoom meetings too. Given with the tech challenges of working from home, it created tons of memes throughout the course of the lockdown, which is expected with the way how people are reacting to the virus.
In all fairness, the connectivity is getting a lot better than they were before. Imagine this, during questioning, rather than ejecting any unruly members or temporarily muting the mic, the Speaker of the House just kicked out an MP in the conference if they will not stop making interruptions.
The Speaker or the host has the power of muting all participants in one click, lest an important dialogue has to be marred by MP simply because they forget to turn off the video or mute the audio before doing something else.
Failure Perhaps
Refraining from committing any tech failures with some older folks of the chamber is inevitable. There is no doubt that there is one in the group who is not familiar or aware of how to use certain features and streaming with only their foreheads seen, or the inside of their nostrils. With the incorrect webcam placement, they look either too far or too close from the video.
While it is true that everyone else in the cabinet is trying to make adjustments in this “new normal”, seems that online businesses have been prepared all their life. Eventually, politicians would get used to it and have a smooth transition.