How Charitable Are The 2020 US Presidential Candidates?

Charity is providing or voluntary help to indigent individuals, as a philanthropic or humanitarian deed. Others put is as altruism, the practice or idea of unbiased, selfless and self-effacing concern for the welfare of others. Insuring These Philanthropic Acts Because of these altruistic and humanitarian deeds, numerous charity organizations of Read more…

By Barrett Queen, ago

Personal Loans From Political Candidates

The most usual form of personal injury settlement loan is for vehicular accidents. The American Pride Legal Funding or APLF could provide settlement loans for such accidents. These settlement loans are related to various funding, which includes loans for pre-settlement, loans for legal funding, as well as loans for legal Read more…

By Barrett Queen, ago

Trump’s “I-Think-I’d -Take-It” Stance to Oppo Dirt, Hastens House to Act on Election Security Bill

“I think I’d take it” was U.S. president Donald Trump’s reply to George Stephanopoulos, Chief Anchor of ABC News, which specifically suggested accepting info about his opponent in the 2020 presidential elections. What made Trump’s statement controversial was that it was in answer to a hypothetical question about accepting damaging Read more…

By Brenna Sammie, ago

Digital Marketing To Aid Political Campaigns

Clickfunnels is a funnel builder for online sales wherein it aids businesses to promote, sell, as well as deliver their service and products online. This is a software and an innovative toolkit that makes it particularly easy and simple for entrepreneurs to build or better their online businesses. Clickfunnels pricing Read more…

By Barrett Queen, ago

Behind Self Funded Political Campaigns

While many running candidates have relied on campaign finance to back their political campaign, there are quite a few who have funded their own political campaigns. Self-funding in electoral campaigns had always been a fact as far as politics can go. Many known politicians have had spent a huge amount Read more…

By Quintin Andre, ago