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Lawyers and Politics

The problems you study as a business lawyer are always related to current affairs. Take, for example, international conflicts like those in Iraq, Russia and Lebanon and the threat of terrorism, which is constantly discussed. Take, for example, European integration, the political debates in the Netherlands on immigration and the changing balance of power between the various and new political parties. On the internet, you just have to check Click here button and see topics on politics.

Wallin Hester

Business lawyer: Reasons to study political science

Business lawyers are familiar with local, national, and international politics

As a business lawyer, thanks to your academic training, you are expert par excellence who understands the political interplay of social problems and possible solutions. In addition, during your studies, you learned how local, national, and international politics are interrelated. They are valued by all employers involved in political interaction and politics is everywhere.

Business lawyers have an amazing array of career opportunities

Political science graduates fill a variety of positions. You could work as a policy advisor, policymaker, researcher, or journalist. You could work for the government, in companies, NGOs, media and international organizations. Of course, some graduates are also politically active.

The business lawyer looks across borders

Political scientists learn how political activities are organized in other countries. Political scientists know how countries interact with one another and what role international organizations play. They push the boundaries of their own specialty by learning how economists, philosophers and lawyers view politics. During your studies you have the opportunity to study abroad, to travel abroad and to find out how politics is carried out elsewhere.

A business lawyer can make a significant contribution to society

As a political scientist, you can see through political games, distinguish between hypes and trends. You know how international and political perspectives are related. You can make relevant comparisons with other countries and you can distinguish empty rhetoric from well-founded reasoning.

In addition, you can make a significant critical and academic contribution to government and society. Because you are critical, you are able to judge independently. You can be scientifically sound because you have analytical skills developed according to the principles of scientific research. This expertise makes you an attractive party for employers.

How Business Outsourcing Can Get Political

Office Workers


A new front has opened within the trade wars of yank politics. Because it spreads insecurity across the US workforce, the much-reported movement of white-collar jobs to low-wage countries – offshore outsourcing – is that the contested ground.

This trend has given economists another chance to evangelize how trade makes our economy more efficient. While strategically silent on who benefits from them, they’re right about the efficiency gains. The question “what’s in this for me?” is perfectly valid for working Americans to ask.

To competition from abroad are jobs producing autos and t-shirts have long been exposed. Considered un-tradeable were service-sector jobs like accountants, telephone operators, and medical technicians, until recently.

New technologies may have put these jobs up for grabs within the global marketplace. Familiar to anyone who regularly reads the business pages is the image of customer service representatives fielding calls from US customers from an office in Bangalore.

While the arguments over it are reruns of earlier rounds within the trade wars, services offshoring is also new. Pointing to losses of employment, wages, and bargaining power are workers in newly vulnerable industries and labor unions. Trade advocates traumatize traditional economic arguments that efficiency gains will raise the value.

One is often forgiven for thinking that these arguments contradict one another – trade can’t be bad for workers and yet raise the value, can it?

Actually, it can. Textbook trade theory, the standard wisdom of the discipline, predicts exactly that trade will raise the value within the US while leaving most workers poorer. This was proved not by some obscure tenured radical, but by the godfather of contemporary theory, Paul Samuelson, the person who literally wrote the fashionable economics textbook.


ALSO READ: Politics and Offshore Investments


Trade advocates implicitly acknowledge this. Together with a recommendation that government temporarily help trade-displaced workers go back on their feet, there’s a mention of the “winners” and “losers” from trade near the top of most pro-trade essays. This is often insufficient – trade doesn’t just harm workers directly displaced by imports; it also harms workers subsequently competing against one another for the remaining jobs.

Economics teaches that trade creates more winners than losers is what these same essays often imply. This is often strategically misleading – economics teaches only that the winnings are greater than losses. An entire bunch of losers is balanced out by one big winner. Economists agree (if not advertise) that almost all American workers are, on the net, prevent from winnings.

Of course, there are winners from trade. Companies that enjoy cheaper labor and inputs win, as do workers whose job is insulated from competition with foreign and domestically displaced labor. Thinning the pool of trade’s beneficiaries, service sector trade could radically shrink this latter group. Whether or not this process is nice “for America” depends on your perspective: is taking a dollar from a telephonist to allow Donald Trump two dollars good “for America”?

So what will be done? Trade defenders of a liberal bent sometimes verbalize a grand compromise, calling for trade’s potential victims to their drop political opposition in exchange for compensation within the health care, pensions, and adequate unemployment and wage insurance that are sort of publicly provided.

This bargain is worth considering, but only after this welfare is truly implemented, not before. There’s no reason why trade winners should get to make the most before American workers have their living standards insured. This is still true whether we’re trading automobiles and clothing or computer programs and accounting services. In the meantime, economists should focus less on deriding the anxieties about trade felt by American workers and their advocates and more on workable social welfare plans.

If trade yields gain so large on make it an imperative policy, surely a bit of those gain is wont to allow the bulk of the US workforce to share during this promised prosperity.


Attorney of lawyers


Delegate of the interests of the German lawful profession

The voice of the individual can without much of a stretch be caught. Just the ensemble, the relationship of many voices, guarantees to hear. In the German Lawyers ‘Affiliation (DAV), in excess of 250 neighborhood legal advisors’ relationships in Germany and abroad have as of now meet up to cooperate for the security of interests of a similar kind.

The DAV has an abundance of regulated components and grounded instruments. Our campaigning work is completely equipped to the particulars of public and European authoritative and administrative cycles. Most importantly, the immediate effect on the authoritative and leader parts of the administrative and state legislatures ought to be referenced – both through the government affiliation and the DAV provincial affiliations. For this reason, the DAV keeps an organization of various close-to-home contacts with political chiefs and authorities to aid political campaigns, whether or not in Berlin, the state capitals, or Brussels.


Authoritative councils

By means of its 35 authoritative advisory groups, which work in every aspect of the law, the DAV offers its perspective on public draft laws and draft orders of the European Union. These impact the parliamentary dynamic cycle in Germany and Europe. They bring law and order guidelines and legitimate ability into the enactment and make laws practicable. In any case, you additionally act proactively.


Press and advertising

A vital instrument for successful manageable support is proficient press and public-lich-keits-working. The DAV press office upholds the effect on the authoritative interaction and furthermore fortifies the impact on political cycles by setting up the social conversation in the pre-political region. Here, as well, the organization between the DAV and the media agents on lawful approach has demonstrated its value.



The presence at significant occasions ought to likewise be referenced – particularly at the yearly German Lawyers’ Day. Legal counselors’ Day is quite possibly the main occasion of the year for lawyers. Along with top-class visitors from governmental issues, the organization of equity, business, science, and unfamiliar legal advisors’ affiliations, the focal issues of the calling are examined here and arrangements are started at a beginning phase. You can find out more about this on the official website of the accident attorneys.

Democrats Mark a Win Vs Trumpism As Majority of Californians Vote to Keep Newsom as Leader

The results of the California gubernatorial recall election turned out to be a win for Democrats as CA Gov. Gavin Newsom won the referendum by a huge margin. Out of the 70% total ballots counted, 64% voted to have Newsom stay on as state governor while only 36% voted in favor of the Republican vying to replace Newsom in his gubernatorial position, The statistics showed that the outcome is similar to the percentage of Golden State voters who voted for Biden and Trump in the last presidential election.

Governor Newsom’s win also demonstrated that the Democratic Party has achieved its goal of cancelling out Trump’s brand of conservatism. During President Biden’s campaign speech in support of the incumbent California governor, the US President warned that Californians have to let Gavin Newsom stay on as their governor, or they get to have Donald Trump instead.

Had the election resulted to Newsom being recalled, the Republican that would have replaced him is a pro-Trump talk show host named Larry Elder.

How Did the 2021 California Recall Election Came About?

The recall effort was started by California Republicans last year by gradually criticizing Newsom’s ability as a state leader. Issues that were thrown against the California governor were in relation to he’s handling of the state’s immigration issues, the increasing size of the state’s homeless population and the most recent, the various coronavirus restrictions imposed to prevent the spread of the disease across the state.

Since majority of California’s citizens voted to keep Newsom as their governor, it showed that voters aren’t too eager to replace government officials and other leaders that made it their priority to impose COVID-19 policies that are in effect, against the grain of what Republican politicians are campaigning for.

Politics and Offshore Investments

With the success of American companies like Apple, Amazon, and Microsoft, many investors are looking to start their own business in an offshore country. However, as with any investment opportunity, there will be pros and cons for both parties involved.

The Pros and Cons of Offshore Investments

Offshore investments have been a source of controversy since they began to take off in the early 2000s. Many countries offer tax breaks and other incentives that make it more attractive than investing domestically. However, it is important to remember that this does not make any country a good place to invest.

While it makes sense for investors to run their finances through companies like Einvestment,  it is important to remember that there are still risks involved with offshore investments despite benefits from the tax breaks and other incentives offered by certain countries.

The most common risk associated with an offshore account is the loss of money if something goes wrong in a particular country due to political and social issues.

Offshore investments can also cause problems for people who are not familiar with the legal system of a particular country. If an offshore account is set up in a country that has laws that are different than the United States, there could be problems for both parties involved.

Read also: How politics has affected the stock market.

How do politics affect offshore investments?

Politicians have been known to take advantage of tax code loopholes and other incentives that are available to savers in offshore accounts. In the past, some offshore investments have been used for political purposes. For example, the US government has accused the Swiss government of making offshore investments to evade taxes to the tune of 10 billion dollars.

One of the biggest issues with offshore investments is that they are often used by rich people to avoid paying taxes. It has been shown in several studies that it is easier for wealthy people to hide their money in an offshore account than it is for someone who is not as wealthy. This means that offshore investments are often used by people who want to avoid paying taxes on their money.

Politics can also affect offshore investments because many countries have laws in place which make it illegal for companies to invest in certain countries. This means that companies will not be able to invest in countries where it is illegal for them to do so.

This can cause problems because if a company does not have the money invested in offshore accounts, it cannot make profits from its investments. This can also cause problems because if a company cannot make profits from its investments, it will not be able to pay out dividends or salaries to shareholders.

Offshore investments and money laundering

Another issue that can affect offshore investments is money laundering. Money laundering is the process of taking large amounts of cash from illegal sources and then using it to make legal payments. This means that if a company makes profits from its investments, it may be able to pay out dividends or salaries in cash. This can make it easier for money laundering to occur because the company will not have any records of where its profits came from and who paid them.

How Mobile Technology Benefits Politics

Voting Day


Though most Americans currently own cell communication apparatus or have access to the world wide web, no longer than 23 percent have employed them for a number of political connections. These results imply that the possible usage of cellular communication for linking voters and possible voters to politics has not yet been fully accomplished.

These results are in the April 1-2 Gallup survey assessing how cellular technology has influenced Americans’ election and political participation.

The survey finds that approximately seven in 10 Americans utilize either a smartphone or even a tablet computer, which entire 83 percent are linked to the Internet by means of a telephone, tablet computer, or computer. The usage of these brand new mobile communicating apparatus, and more frequently using the web, have radically affected many aspects of Americans’ lifestyles — and politics, in principle, ought to not be an exception. Political candidates, political parties, and also people counseling and conducting election campaigns have certainly become conscious that cellular devices represent a new frontier of governmental contact over and beyond the conventional usage of media advertisements, telephone calls, and direct email.

However, now, the vast majority of all Americans have to be influenced by the usage of cellular technology for political motives. Between 20 percent and 23 percent of the interviewed report getting digital communication from political interest groups, utilizing social networking to discuss political views posted by somebody else, getting digital requests to get elected representatives on behalf of an origin, or getting direct digital communications out of elected officials or by political parties. Slightly fewer, 16 percent, say they place their own political views straight on social networking. Greater than 10% state they’ve received immediate communicating regarding an incipient or continuing political rally or governmental demonstration or left a financial donation by means of a smartphone or tablet computer bought from the buy now pay later ElectroFinance website.

Political Differences

The Democratic campaign of Barack Obama in 2012 was widely reported to have taken advantage of new technologies both in terms of a “large data” set of voter data, also in relation to contact with Republicans using both conventional and new digital modes of communicating. That technological benefit is still evident to a degree now, over two decades later. Democrats nationally are somewhat more likely than Republicans to document getting political communications from political parties or governmental advocacy teams in the previous 30 days. Additionally, Democrats are as likely as Republicans to state they’ve contributed to a campaign employing a smartphone or tablet computer — even 8% and 2 percent, respectively, such prices are still fairly tiny. Republicans are somewhat more likely to report sharing or “liking” articles or links which reflect their views.

As could be anticipated, independents are somewhat less likely than partisan teams to document getting political communication through their digital devices.

Not one of the differences found here is particularly big — indicating that Republicans could close the “cellular communication” gap from 2016, although if they’re able to do this for your 2014 midterm cycle remains uncertain.


ALSO READ: Choosing A High-Net-Worth Or Ultra-High-Net-Worth Wealth Management Firm


Younger Americans More Likely to Be Monitored Connected via Social Networking

Young Americans are somewhat more likely than people who are elderly to take part in both political actions between social networking — sharing or share articles or links, and submitting remarks on social networking and other Web websites. Otherwise, there’s very little difference by age in participation from other political pursuits.

Republicans More Likely to Use Mobile Devices

Republicans are somewhat more likely than Democrats to document utilizing a smartphone or tablet computer on a daily basis. However, in spite of this disparity in general usage, Democrats are as likely as Republicans to become heavy users of mobile devices (4hours each day). Apparently, the benefit Democrats might have in this respect among younger Americans, that are among the heaviest users of cellular technologies, is marginally offset by the larger use of one of the people with greater incomes, who have a tendency to be Republican. All in all, the statistics reflect the decision that there aren’t significant partisan-based differences from the capacity to reach voters and possible voters utilizing mobile devices.

Bottom Line

This really is a midterm election season, and political action has picked up in several countries with early primaries and high-profile Senate and gubernatorial elections. This action is definitely not in the level at which it’ll be in the autumn, or specifically of where it’s going to be in 2016, a presidential election season. Consequently, the recent steps of political action utilizing cellular devices as of early April — having a bit more than four in 10 with had just one of eight possible kinds of political touch — probably represent a ground or minimum amount. Given the large penetration of those devices in the population generally, the possibility is there to get a significantly improved use after this season and future elections. Democrats have a small advantage concerning continuing contact with prospective voters at this time, but the two parties will undoubtedly be actively working to raise their benefit in the weeks and years ahead.


Pres. Biden Signs EO Aimed at Reforming Unfair Competition Practices of Big Companies

On July 09, Pres. Biden issued a sweeping executive order containing 72 directives aimed at reigning in powerhouse capitalists dominating various U.S. markets. In rationalizing his administration’s purpose for issuing the executive order, the new POTUS remarked that the core of American capitalism is founded on a simple concept: “open and fair competition.”

Along with several members of the White House cabinet, Biden asserted that keeps the economy growing.

“Competition is the major force that keeps the economy moving toward growth and prosperity.”


The 72 initiatives reflects a major change in Democratic policy making processes, to which a new generation of economists conducted research studies in advocating changes aimed at protecting workers and consumers. The studies support arguments that link high prices and unfair wages to consolidated corporate capitalism.

As it is, Pres. Biden’s new executive order signifies the start of policy shifts that focus on corporate behavior and their impact on consumers. To which the White House administration expects strong resistance from companies that will seek relief by filing legal cases in courts, where some have demonstrated skepticism over arguments over competition.

All things considered, the effectiveness of the new executive order relies heavily on the efficiency of concerned federal agencies in enacting and enforcing the changes, which could take several months before any concrete actions will be carried out. ,

Examples of Sectors that the Biden Administration Identified as In Need of Reforms

The new executive order signed by President Biden enumerated 72 initiatives that aim to implement business reforms particularly in relation to competition. Below are some examples of issues that federal agencies must address:

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been tasked to work toward allowing the importation of cheaper drugs manufactured by Canadian pharmaceutical companies. In addition, the order includes permitting over-the-counter sale of hearing aids as a means to reduce costs to consumers by hundreds of dollars.

The Department of Transportation must compel airlines to provide details about the “add-on fees” charged for seating provisions and baggage services. Moreover, reforms must be instituted to make it easier for consumers to claim refunds on canceled flights.

Federal regulators should institute changes to limit the provisions of “noncompete agreements,” which usually prevent employees from switching to jobs offered by competitors.

Financial regulators must require banks to furnish customers data related to their financial transaction even when they transfer to a competitor bank.

The Biden executive order directs regulators to put in place new rules that would put an end to “unfair methods of competition” adopted by online marketplaces for ecommerce like Amazon and app stores like Apple.

Federal regulators are to take direct aim at at the ability of tech companies to merge as a way solidify their influence over American and dominance in the industry by acquiring the companies of upcoming rivals.

Regulators have been specifically tasked to support leading antitrust agencies like the Federal Trade Commissions and the Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission in preventing employers from unifying in order to reduce employee benefits as well as suppress wages.

How Politics Has Affected the Stock Market?

Stock Exchange


Politics consistently has the possibility to impact the stock exchange notably. Why? Because political activities such as laws and regulations have a direct impact on organizations, and hence in their fundamental operation.

As presidents appoint economic advisers and fill places like the seat of the Federal Reserve, and financial policies and also the management of their rates of interest (which can be determined by the Federal Reserve) also apply a direct impact on organizations, these activities have an effect on the stock exchange.

Nonetheless, it’s an indirect effect, maybe perhaps not really just a primary you. These areas can impact the fortunes of organizations, and so influence investor opinion about the firm’s stocks.

Regulations which is going to impact organizations, as an instance, will influence people organizations’ possible outcomes. Should they truly have been anticipated to grow the most important thing, investors will be aware and become more inclined to obtain the stocks of the businesses. Should they truly have been anticipated to possess a negative effect on the most important thing, investors are not as inclined to obtain the stocks, and might even put them up for sale.

This indirect effect is just one reason that bank stocks, as by way of instance, increased in the aftermath of the election of President Donald J. Trump. His government was anticipated to prefer deregulation, as well as the deregulation of banks, which will be very likely to boost their bottom outcomes.

But politics aren’t the principal determinant of the way that stocks do. Any buyer purchasing stocks would be currently buying equity in a small company enterprise, perhaps not in any political administration. In stock investing, it’s the prognosis for the firm that matters a lot more than politics but politics may apply some influence on such a business standpoint.

Political News and Uncertainty Matter, however, the Impact Might Be Short-term

All of the news that affects the economic and enterprise environment matters in the stock exchange too. Investors can sometimes view news statements that affect stock markets, even as if information announcers state that the stocks in a certain industry do well due to your afternoon’s news. The operation of oil company stocks, for example, improved over the election of President Trump, due to his effort platform preferred conventional energy organizations over other energy such as solar energy.

But lots of the effects felt news reports could be temporary. The statements might possibly end up similar to froth within a sea wave; it has the longer-term impact — that the inherent roster of this tide — which is really going to make the gap into the stock exchange.

Oftentimes, the true effects of policy implementations won’t be understood before execution does occur and the firms changed respond — and also other aspects can impact the stock prices, too. Again, business principles thing greater than political news perse.

Uncertainty about politics may also have a direct effect as the stock exchange viewpoints doubt as a hazard. Stocks more likely to be influenced by political decision-making that’s presently in process and expected later on, for example, can trade if there’s uncertainty. Potential traders do not understand if the last decisions are planning to stay favorable for their organizations, neutral or negative. Exchanging could possibly be about a sort of grip in buyer’s heads prior to the doubt is resolved. That is why they should hire stockbrokers such as AJ Bell (see ajbell youinvest review to learn more).

But doubt’s influence on the stock exchange may be short-term. Once doubt is resolved and hazard removed, in actuality, that the once-affected stocks may undergo a rally, as a drawback in the horizon — that the hazard is now not.

The stock exchange facets in political consequences believed to become understood, thus an alteration in the anticipation can lead markets to react. From the 20-16 U.S. presidential elections, for example, many polls were calling the election of Hillary Clinton, therefore stocks while the election drew nearby were trading as when her effort rankings were anticipated to be appreciated.

A surprise, just such as the election of President Trump, may bring about the stock market to react short word, whilst the brand’s newest news gets payable. Once it’s, industry signals trading mainly on principles.

Do Political Parties Matter?

Is it true that the party in power at Washington thing? Not too much. Republicans are usually considered more beneficial to business compared to Democrats, therefore if politics concerning the party in power mattered, an individual could assume the stock market to perform in Republican administrations than in Democratic ones.

However, actually, that the S&P 500 overall gained significantly a lot greater than 11.6 percent an average annually from 1973 to 20-16. While there had been several individual years using downturns, these certainly weren’t connected with a political party being in power, nor were exceptionally powerful decades.

The latest year at the S&P 500 failed badly was 2008 if George W. Bush was still president. This had been the entire season Barack Obama has been chosen. Even the S&P 500 lost 3-7 percent annually, nevertheless, the politics of almost any stripe wasn’t the cause. The reason has been that the fantastic Recession — that underscores the elemental force of financial climate and performance on the prognosis for organizations, and therefore the stock exchange, compared to politics.

The stock exchange rebounded handsomely through the duration of Obama’s term since the market pulled from this downturn. The ideal currency market year of the sentence has been 2011 once the S&P 500 gained 32.4 percent.

In the same way, that the S&P 500 needed a powerful down season in 2002, when George W. Bush was still president, losing over 22 percent. However, it appeared and did well during the majority of the government, with a top of almost 29 percent in 2003.


Pres. Biden Unveils Ambitious $2 Trillion Infrastructure Plans

Last week, President Biden unveiled the details of his $2 Trillion proposal to rebuild the country’s infrastructure in order to reshape the American economy. The infrastructure plan would see to the badly needed repairs of 10,000 bridges and the construction of 20,000 miles of roads, firsts and foremost.

Biden also mentioned that the provisions would enhance internet service, improve the quality of drinking water, shorten commute times, and even out wages. Gradual completions of the plan will enable corporations to increase their revenues, which in turn, will generate more  . At the same time, projects will roll out to address racial inequities and to curb the detrimental effects of climate change..

Many were impressed at the extent of Biden’s proposal as it highlighted his use of the opportunity to address long-established economic and social challenges. White House officials reiterated that federal spending and tax credits will be utilized in:

  • Rebuilding 20,000 miles of roads, and repairing 10,000 bridges; all of which have the most economic significance;
  • Eliminating lead pipes used in providing the country’s water supplies;
  • Creating millions of jobs for American citizens through an assortment of infrastructure construction projects; and
  • Reinforcing competitiveness among American citizens in the long haul.

The proposed infrastructure plan also aims to address climate change by speeding up the process of shifting into cleaner energy sources, which would aid in encouraging racial equality.

The funding of the projects would generated through an increase in corporate tax credits that will remain in effective for 15 years. Not only will this strategy fund the plan, but it would also induce multinationals that book their earnings and profits in other countries. The improved infrastructures and tax credits would nudge companies to produce and invest locally. .

Pres. Biden Still Making an Appeal for Bipartisan Support

President Biden is still making calls for support from both Republican and Democratic lawmakers in Congress, even though Republicans have already been mentioning their opposition to the plan.

Biden described the program as the largest American jobs investment ever since the last World War, it would take only a span of eight years to complete. The projected 15-year period within which tax revenues will increase would be more than enough to offset the spending. Furthermore, the increase would eventually reduce government’s budget deficits.

Choosing A High-Net-Worth Or Ultra-High-Net-Worth Wealth Management Firm

High net worth individuals (HNWI) have a net worth of over $1 million. On the other hand, ultra high net worth individuals (UHNWI) are those with $30 million or more net worth. While they differ in the manner on how they make and expend their money as well as the way they get on with their lives outside or past the financial aspects, one thing is certain, wealth management is imperative, regardless if it is for high net worth wealth management or ultra high net worth wealth management.

This is where wealth management firms come in. These companies offer numerous distinctive capital solutions to their clients, whether high net worth individuals (HNWI) or ultra high net worth individuals (UHNWI). Since these clients have greater levels of wealth as well as investment portfolios, they need to work with wealth management firms with experienced, strategic services so as to properly apportion their funds.

Choosing A Wealth Management Firm

Prior to choosing a wealth management firm, it is imperative that you take into consideration the experience, expertise and services they provide as not every wealth management companies offer similar services. Several firms specifically cater to high net worth clients whereas others to ultra high net worth clients.

So what are these considerations that you have to bear in mind when looking for a wealth management firm to assist you? Here are some:


Wealth management firms aid their clients to create refined and efficient financial planning approaches. Every wealth management firm is unique and have their own methods and personalized according to the needs as well as the financial goals of its clients. But, regardless of your needs and goals, advisors of reputable wealth management firms can help you create a clear and sound strategy that make certain it gives precedence to your needs.


Look for a wealth management firm that provides complete asset protection services. Whether you are an HNWI client or UHNWI client, your assets have to be protected from various threats, such as lawsuits or even from government authorities. When dealing with legal disputes, experienced wealth managers can offer recommendations on the best financial solutions for your assets to be protected.


Reputable wealth management firms provide its clients effective strategies to investment monitoring in order to efficiently manage HNWI or UHNWI finances. For finances to be monitored well, they offer their clients comprehensive services on portfolio advisory investment. As the invested capitals are great, the strategies have to be particularly calculated as well as systematized so as to manage the wealth of clients the best and most proper way.


Wealth management firms aid their clients in planning financial approaches for their future generations. This means that they would have added incomes to apportion for the coming generations. When working with a reputable, competent wealth management firm, you will be able to build a legacy building plan in the distribution of your estate and inheritance.

Bitcoin Mining Profitability on the Rise as BTC Price Surges at $51,960

Bitcoin prices have surged further as BTC trading today (Feb.18) closed at $51,960, after major companies bought bitcoins to seed their digital business funds. During the week, BNY Mellon and Mastercard led the pack of companies that have already instituted plans of including cryptocurrencies in their business operations. These latest developments will likewise make bitcoin mining more profitable for successful miners.

Still, the continuing rise in the number of mining participants will heighten mining difficulty that will in turn, increase global electricity consumption. The growing concern among advocates of climate change movements is that the high energy used in cryptomining will greatly impact, if not negate the results of all actions undertaken to reduce carbon emissions. This is considering that climate scientists have set the year 2050 as the crucial period by which zero carbon emission must be achieved.

A recent study by Cambridge University researchers has already established that fact that about 0.56% of the global energy used in 2020 was used for mining bitcoins and various altcoins. Using a device in analyzing the electricity consumed by all cryptocurrency miners throughout the globe, the Cambridge researchers reported that the global mining industry has been using up to 121.36 terawatt-hours (TWh) of electricity per year.

The amount was compared with other countries, to which results showed that it exceeded the 113.20 TWh of electricity consumed by the United Arab Emirates and has slightly exceeded the 121 TWh of electricity consumed by Argentina.

Wide Use of Renewable Energy as a Way to Reduce the Carbon Footprint of the Bitcoin Mining Industry

While many bitcoin mining farms are using renewable energy such as solar, wind and hydro, as well as nuclear, as means of reducing cost of electricity, not all bitcoin miners have access to these types of electrical power generators. Some have formed mining pools in order to optimize the coal-powered electricity consumed by their bitcoin machines. However, the strategy proved effective at the time when bitcoin trade was dominated by retail traders, and when bitcoin was not widely used as payments for online transactions.

Nonetheless, the use of renewable energy is at present, still the likeliest solution to reducing the carbon footprint generated by the mining machines used for global mining

Mining As A Service as an Alternative to Running Mining Machines on Coal-Powered Electricity

To provide small-scale bitcoin mining businesses and independent professional miners with a solution to reducing CO2 emissions, the Elevate Group is now offering Mining As A Service. The services offered through the group’s platform include using one or more bitcoin mining machines running actively in the company’s low-cost mining facility.

The terms of the service contract is indefinite as termination coincides with the life of the bitcoin mining machine. That being the case, the Mining as a Service (MaaS) includes cost of maintaining the machine and the facility to ensure prolonged productivity of the mining machine even as difficulty rises.

Moreover, in the event of power outages, professional bitcoin miners will have less to worry about if their mining machines are supported by Elevate Group’s Mining as a Service platform.

How Democrats Will Pass Biden’s Relief Fund w/o Republican Support

A budget resolution had empowered Democrats to pass President Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package via a process called reconciliation procedure. Although voting resulted to 50-50 votes between Democratic and Republican senators, Vice President Kamala Harris exercised her duty to break the tie, by voting in favor of the Democrat’s “Yea” votes.

Still, during the overnight session, the Senate voting resulted in the exclusion of an immediate increase of the national minimum wage from the present $7.25 per hour to $15 per hour. Majority of the senators voted in favor of tailoring the $1,400 direct payments to qualify only the low-income earners.

Apparently, the changes had already been discussed in a previous meeting held at the White House with the top leaders of the Democrats. They all agreed that there is a need to immediately pass and enact the $1.9 trillion relief package to enable the government to battle the still ongoing pandemic that has already claimed more than 450k American lives, whilst putting millions out of work.

President Biden Settled for Compromises to Avoid Lengthy Negotiations

Although Biden said he was willing to compromise with Republicans, he rejected the $600 billion relief package suggested by the Republicans. Still, the President said that he’d settle for some compromise just so the passing of the bill won’t be slowed down by long drawn out negotiations.

President Biden said that it was a matter of choosing getting help to Americans right away to Americans who have been hurting badly, instead of having the relief package be delayed by lengthy discussions and negotiations. According to the President, the data showing that the job market is still showing a continuing weakness is proof that the government must take a more aggressive course of action.

In a related announcement, Democrstic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi projected that the final passing of the COVID-19 relief bill would pass before the recently released special unemployment benefits expires on March 15, 2021.

Understanding the Cost of Lawsuits, as Trump and His Team Continue to Ask for Donations

When reading about news of multiple lawsuits filed by lameduck president Trump, those not familiar with lawsuits might think that litigation costs come cheap. On the contrary, filing a lawsuit from the very start costs money, especially if the complaint is civil in nature. Mainly because the plaintiff or the complainant has to pay the filing fee prescribed by the court.

Other court fees may be required if the lawsuit includes a request for garnishment, or other writs requested from the court, as deemed necessary by the attorney handling the case.

On top of the court fees, a plaintiff has to pay his or her legal representative the agreed attorney fees, deposition fees, copy fees and other fees that arise in relation to obtaining records from government, medical, school and/or other similar /institutions. In civil cases related to accident settlement claims, litigation costs would include accident reconstruction fees.

In most cases, the estimated cost of pursuing a lawsuit must be known beforehand. Even if a settlement lawsuit has a likely potential of being awarded the sum of money being claimed,   it would all be a waste of time and money if the litigation costs exceeded the settlement amount.

Trump Team’s Solicitation of Donations to Fund Multiple Lawsuits Across Different States

While Trump’s lawsuits are largely political and have seen many court rejections, he is not paying for the litigation costs out of his own pocket. As soon as the November 03 election results started showing numbers trending toward a Joe Biden win, Trump’s campaign team started sending emails soliciting donations, allegedly to fund lawsuits that will seek to overturn the fina election results.

However, the emails came with a disclosure in fine print stating that 60% of each dollar donated will be used to pay off unpaid election campaign obligations.

Nonetheless, there are loyal Trump supporters, including big-value donors who contributed to the cause despite the remote possibility that the lawsuits will garner favorable court rulings. So far, reports have it that of the 36 lawsuits filed in different courts, 26 were rejected, including an appeal turned down by the Pennsylvania Appeals Court.

Trump Legal Team Drops Lawsuit, Big-Money Donor Seeks Refund

Just recently, a donor is seeking a refund of the $2,5 million he contributed to the Houston-based Trump team called “True The Vote.” This was after learning that the group has dropped all lawsuits seeking to get legal court rulings that will declare the election proceedings as fraudulent.

The donor, Fred Eshelman, a businessman whose investment company Eshelman Ventures LLC primarily invests in private health-care companies, has actually filed his own lawsuit against “True The Vote” in order to seek refund of the huge sum he donated.

It would be interesting to find out how a federal court will rule on Mr. Eshelman’s claim for refund since the money was supposed to have been given as a form of donation. It’s not as if he gave them as a lawsuit loan to fund a settlement lawsuit the way pre settlement funding companies do.

Even if it was a form of investment, it was obviously an unwise investment decision on his part, as he should have been aware that the election lawsuits lacked merit. Federal judges did not allow the cases to prosper in court as not a single evidence could be presented as proof that there was fraud.

Political Betting – Political Events To Bet On

One of the most popular and widespread form of entertainment are online casinos, wherein players could either play at a reliable online casino website. Downloadable casinos, as the term implies, are gambling sites where users download and install the casino software in their PC in order to play. Trusted download judi online sites usually provide a very straightforward and simple instruction to make the process of downloading and installing their software uncomplicated.

Once the software is downloaded and installed, players are able to access the casino games through the software. However, players need to make certain that their device are compatible with the required Windows OS and other specifications to make certain the software would work and run smoothly as well as have high-quality graphics which would better your gambling and gaming experience.

Political Betting

While many enjoy online casinos and sports betting, others find political betting exciting. With the emergence of social media and its involvement in the entertainment and news world, things that people don’t bet on before are now being wagered on, hence the term political betting.

With the political climate as well as the gaming industry being hot as ever, both reflect each other to involve people in political races whilst making use of political betting websites to potentially earn some money based on their predictions.

Political Events to Wager On

People who engage in political betting could place a wager on various political events. Below are some examples:

US Presidential Election

The most popular event where you could bet on various odds is the US Presidential Election. The odds are often posted a well as changed since stock for presidential candidates fluctuates during the presidential run. Handle increases naturally when the election season is nearing and where presidential candidates are more solidified. This puts the political betting season at full blast.

There was a lot of action during the 2020 Presidential Election on numerous political betting websites. Many have also added more situational props as well as altered odds especially when the election was getting closer. Several of these changes were because of the debate performances and public reception.

US Congressional Election

Although this political event isn’t that popular as the US Presidential Election, the event still has occasional handle that comes in for these. Individuals who are constantly informed and updated with politics frequently have the knowledge to handicap this less popular election however still very much important. As this event are reliant on the state itself, wagers for the Congressional Election are actually more regional than they are national, since they don’t have the appeal that the Presidential election has.

Other Political Betting Examples:

  • British Parliament Election
  • Australian Parliament Election
  • Referendums (Brexit for instance)
  • London Mayoral Election

The Truth About the Politics of Online Casinos in South Africa

Cape Town, South Africa


South Africa is fast rising to become one of the planet’s most busy online casinos enjoying destinations, also many forecasts this trend increases tenfold overtime ahead of.

As the nation continues to invest heavily in the creation of technical infrastructure, in addition to more accessible and more inexpensive online access because of its visitors, the outcomes find a lot of its players glancing on the internet to find a brand fresh amount of casino entertainment.

Contemporary South African Gaming Not Fully Defined

Surprisingly South Africa has rather a rich gaming history, one that crosses as far back as the 1700s, in addition, it appears to be quite a history that has seen a range of changes to its territory and internet gaming action. For this reason, it’s no surprise many gamers have been left confused and unsure about what the present status is of gaming within the nation.

Gaming Legislation in South Africa

The Southern African American landscape has ever been a somewhat rocky land up until recently, that of course with regard to the nation’s longstanding oppression under the Apartheid regime. Beneath the then authorities that the freedom to love games of chance and luck in almost any circumstance or placing wasn’t only greatly criminal but often indicative of.

From a historic standpoint, it was just very before the 1965 South Africa Gambling Act an actual formalized ban was put on nearly all kinds of gaming actions, the sole exception with this bit of law was horse racing, solely on account of the simple fact that it had been deemed a game as opposed to a kind of sports gaming.

Strict Ban

Inevitably the 1965 Act was a spark into the fire of casino playing fans since they watched the opportunity to discover alternative methods of educating their favorite pastime, and much also more importantly an opportunity to earn some significant cash. From the time that the Apartheid regime has been abolished in 1994 and the first democratic elections occurred that there were an estimated 2000+ prohibited gaming institutions throughout the nation.

To present a more organized and regulated condition to betting from South Africa the new authorities handed the National Gambling Act of 1996. The act then allowed for the performance of casinos that were online, in addition to internet sportsbooks they owned the appropriate operating licenses provided by one of the 9 provincial gaming boards. It was also in that time that Lottery, bingo, and similar gaming activities were regulated, sadly, Interactive gaming, also known as internet gaming, was deemed prohibited within the boundaries of South Africa.

With the creation of this National Gambling Act of 1996 came an undercover governing body called the National Gambling Act. This had been the board’s duty to be sure the regulating of gaming action in South Africa, of that support and aid at the provincial level, could be offered from the 9 recently elected provincial boards.

Legal Online Gaming in South Africa

Concerning interactive gaming (online gaming), segment 11 of the gaming action 2004 issued by the NGB still stays company, it says that:

“An individual shouldn’t participate in or make accessible an interactive match except as authorized regarding this Act or another federal law.”

With that said, you will find a rising number of large scale overseas casinos requiring both South African gamers in addition to South African Randsthis, obviously, raises the issue concerning possible legal loopholes permitting local players the chance to practice online gaming with no repercussions.

The interpretation of this South African National Gambling Act and its following changes comprises two quite conflicting statements. On the 1 hand, it asserts that the sole platforms that may offer online gaming services into the SA participant pool would be such online bookmakers accredited from the NGB.


…says that no support at all should offer online gaming services to inhabitants of South Africa.

With this kind of conflicting statement, off-shore casino sites such as those that can be found on https://kiffslots.co.za, sportsbooks, poker rooms as well as the likes have discovered there isn’t any explicit text from the African law that prohibits players from playing these games that were online, nor suggests punitive steps.

Therefore, numerous trustworthy and internationally famous platforms with headquarters out the Southern African authority have come to be the ultimate alternative for lawful gaming actions by South African players.

Even the “by-way” of obtaining and enjoying online gaming services were devised, however, the topics of reliability and trustworthiness nevertheless stayed as crucial concerns. This was mainly on account of the simple fact that such foreign platforms were accredited by overseas authorities.

Due to the nature of Internet gaming for South African players, now We’ve created a number of Important standards to assist gamers in Picking the Ideal operators for their gaming needs, these standards include:

  • Permit to function — Though the licensing authority can’t be local, it’s still a good idea to decide on a platform that conveys a permit to run from any other authority. This is true as a result of standards and criteria enforced by the said government so as to attain some ordinary degree of support quality and therefore player gratification.
  • Safety protocol — SA players must also look closely at their preferred casino system’s safety. Those using good SSL encryption sign it alongside the site address from the browser bar, in addition to in corresponding webpages (such as ‘Around US’) about the phone or PC customer.
  • Game suppliers — With all the match supplier variety reaching huge proportions, you will find both top business giants with respectable applications offering and newer developments to the company seeking to show their reliability. This option mainly depends upon the players’ taste — broadly accessible, reliable titles, or even more specific gameplay choice.

Banking Strategies for Southern African players

The significance of maintaining funds and trades safe during their whole gameplay experience has induced players to pay an exclusive focus on the Cashier page in the preferred casino stage. The perfect banking systems for Southern African casino gamers are the ones that permit them to process trades in their home money, the South African Rand (ZAR).

While it has not been around for long, today, there are multiple Respectable platforms which have oriented towards this particular participant pool and offer several Kinds of techniques that take this money:

Credit & Charge cards

South Africa is growing increasingly more attractive destinations for internet gaming content suppliers, which includes, in turn, brought a growing amount of payment solutions. While the very initial platforms just watched two of those debit and credit card chips, SA players may now deposit and withdraw money with Visa, Maestro, MasterCard as well as American Express.

E-wallets & e-money chips

There are lots of e-wallet and e-money transport services available on the internet that offer SA gamers an opportunity to sign up for their money deposit and swap it in a licensed one. But it’s necessary to be aware that the top international e-wallets PayPal, Neteller along Skrill, in addition to e-money providers EcoPayz and PaySafeCard all supply this particular player pool with protected and also appropriated payment processing solutions.

Bank transports / EFT payments

Bank transfers and EFT payment arrangements make it possible for players greater freedom concerning the total deposited and removed. They might take a little more time to process the payment request, however, their longstanding, dependable, and simple operations ensure it is a good banking choice for SA gamers in their particular gaming platforms.


ALSO READ: Moving to Online Conferences to Schedule Hearings


Cyber Security Experts Consider Trump’s Refusal to Accept Defeat a National Security Risk

Political security experts consider Trump’s refusal to accept defeat as a potential threat to national security by preventing an orderly transition of power. One such threat that is being given much attention is the possible launch of cyber attacks, which makes early transmission of classified government information to President-elect Joe Biden necessary. That way, the new administration will be better prepared to respond defensively and offensively in dealing with cyber attacks. .

First Secretary of Homeland Security Voices Concerns Over Trump’s Uncooperative Stance

Former Pennsylvania Republican Governor Tom Ridge, who served as President George Bush’s Assistant for Homeland Security and the first to hold the position of Secretary to the United States Homeland Security, warned that cyberspace has always been and will continue to be unsafe. He gives advice that it’s important for Pres-Elect Joe Biden and his administration to prepare for both offense and defense strategies as soon as the new set of officials assumes office on the 20th of January in 2021.

The former Pennsylvania Governor added that Trump’s uncooperative stance will only worsen the present situation in which the country is juggling with problems coming from all directions, and while facing an economic fallout and amidst a worsening worldwide pandemic. That is why the country cannot afford to lose time in initiating the transition of presidential and administrative powers.

Cyber Attacks Expert Also Considers Trump’s Refusal to Allow Transition as Posing Security Risks

In a Washington Post interview, Marcus Fowler, who served as CIA officer for 15 years in the development of global cyber strategies and technical operations, voiced opinions similar to Mr. Ridge.

Mr. Fowler who is currently the Director of Darktrace, a leading AI cyber security company that deals in cyber threat detection and in developing responses to global threats, said Trump’s continuing refusal presents risks in the security of the country. According to Mr. Fowler, even without any major cyberattacks, the delays Trump is causing only makes the country an easy target for espionage campaigns by way of cyber attacks that could come from known adversaries like Russia, China and Iran.

Nonetheless, several Washington Post correspondents reported that President-elect Joe Biden’s team has been provided with a more than 10,000-square feet wide office space at the Herbert C. Hoover Building. Additionally, the transition team has been provided with government-issued computers and iPhones to use in conducting secure communications.

Yet Trump continues to assert that his numerous lawsuits across different states will prove that he is the rightful winner of the recently concluded presidential election. He continues to push for recognition as the winner despite the fact that he is not gaining positive grounds in his legal challenges. Mainly because his enablers still can’t produce reliable proofs that there really was voter fraud in the concerned states.

Why Is The USD The Most Popular Currency To Trade

The Forex market is the most popular in the world which is not surprising when you consider that money is something you can get almost anything for. Currently, the dollar followed by the euro and the yen are the most popular currencies in which to trade directly or through Forex brokers.

Why is the US dollar so popular?

  • The US economy is the largest in the world.
  • America dominates not only economically, but also politically and militarily.
  • The US dollar is the currency that is used for many transactions, for example, oil can only be bought with dollars.

Speculate on the Forex market

It is nice to know that many people speculate / gamble on the price of the currency pairs. When you apply a well-functioning strategy, it is possible to dominate these daredevils by making a profit from the blunders of this more than ninety percent of the market!

Here, the play of liquidity or the volume of a big role. The volume indicates how many people trade certain currencies in a day and how big the differences are between them. For a professional, these values ​​are very important as they can determine the speed at which the market can change at any given time.

Liquidity or the amount of trade often differs from time to time and is linked to the opening of different international markets.

Currency pairs and their mutual relationships

When you actually trade in currencies, mutual relationships are very important. In order to trade in something, mutual relationships are required, and these are expressed by the so-called currency pairs.

The EUR/USD is among the most traded currency pairs where you buy a certain number of dollars for one euro. The demand for both currencies is constantly changing so that the exchange rates/ratios are always different. This is the particular value of the euro against the dollar, and when the euro rises in EUR / USD, the USD automatically falls in value against the euro.

Exotic currency pairs

Many brokers also allow you to trade in exotic pairs. Exotic pairs are relationships in which for a well-known currency such as the dollar you receive a lesser-known currency from an often emerging country, such as Brazil or Laos.


The size of the Forex market and its liquidity

The special thing about the Forex market compared to other financial markets such as the New York Exchange is that the Forex market does not have a central location. It is a market that is always active and runs through a large network of banks where demand is determined by the total demand for certain currency pairs.

Moving to Online Conferences to Schedule Hearings

Can you picture how the Speaker of the House is trying to delete any unruly MPs from the chat or perhaps, a tech-challenged person has accidentally live-streamed himself doing chores to the entire country? In today’s time, the pandemic has really changed the landscape how we do things and even the Parliament is not an exemption to it. You’d notice that there are a lot of politicians who are embracing virtual meetings and taking in all the benefits and drawbacks associated to it.

As what we have recently mentioned, there are many politicians who are now learning to adapt to the Post-Covid19 world much like everyone else. We have our national cabinet and leaders doing their meeting through a video chat, live TV on Skype as well as parliamentary committee members discussing national issues right in their home.

Challenges that are Given

So as with everyone else trying to battle the intermittent internet connectivity and left in awe with colleagues who do not know how to mute, it is definitely time among politicians to join the bandwagon and consider doing zoom meetings too. Given with the tech challenges of working from home, it created tons of memes throughout the course of the lockdown, which is expected with the way how people are reacting to the virus.

In all fairness, the connectivity is getting a lot better than they were before. Imagine this, during questioning, rather than ejecting any unruly members or temporarily muting the mic, the Speaker of the House just kicked out an MP in the conference if they will not stop making interruptions.

The Speaker or the host has the power of muting all participants in one click, lest an important dialogue has to be marred by MP simply because they forget to turn off the video or mute the audio before doing something else.

Failure Perhaps

Refraining from committing any tech failures with some older folks of the chamber is inevitable. There is no doubt that there is one in the group who is not familiar or aware of how to use certain features and streaming with only their foreheads seen, or the inside of their nostrils. With the incorrect webcam placement, they look either too far or too close from the video.

While it is true that everyone else in the cabinet is trying to make adjustments in this “new normal”, seems that online businesses have been prepared all their life. Eventually, politicians would get used to it and have a smooth transition.

Trump Signs EOs for Coronavirus Relief, Even if Unconstitutional

Trump acted unconstitutionally again, when he signed executive orders (EOs) on four coronavirus relief measures after Congress failed to agree on 4th stimulus bill. Even if the EOs are likely to be challenged in courts, Trump signed the directives, whilst calling them “bills” which were hardly reflections of real concerns for the American people.


What Trump Orders as Economic Relief

The Executive Order Trump signed last Saturday (August 08, 2020) addressed only four major issues.

On the $600 Coronavirus Relief Paycheck That Expired Last July 31, 2020

While the Democrats want to extend the economic relief paycheck at the same amount of $600 ($150/week), the Republicans want to cut it down to $400. Trump’s memorandum reduces the $400 further, as the directive was to allocate the funds as aid for both the states and their people. The state government will receive $100 out of every $400 of the fund allotted as coronavirus relief. This means that Americans can expect to receive only $300 per month or ($75/week).

On the Eviction Moratorium That Expired Last July 24, 2020

On the matter of the expired eviction moratorium, the Democrats are negotiating for additional financial assistance to renters on top of the extension of the eviction moratorium. The Republicans in Congress simply suggest for an extension up to December 31, 2020. However, Trump’s memorandum does not make any mention of extending the moratorium; but only reiterates federal policy that recommends minimizing eviction proceedings on renters during the ongoing pandemic, Trump’s memorandum merely suggests that government officials should identify legal ways of helping renters and homeowners.

Suspension of Payroll Tax

Trump’s EO includes a memorandum suspending payroll tax effective August 01, 2020, which only means deferment of taxes; perhaps until Trump gets himself re-elected. Although Trump made hints that he will make permanent the suspension of payroll tax if he stays on as president, doing so would only mean a reduction of Social Security funds, which is tantamount to a reduction of benefits derived from the system.

Pause on Student Debt Payment and Accrual of Interests


As far as federal student loans are concerned, Trump’s order is aligned with bipartisan support for the extension of suspending collections and accrual of interest on student debts for another three months. Since the pause on student loans under the CARES Act is set to expire on September 30, 2021, it means student loan borrowers will resume making payments in January 2021.

However, it seems that the pause on payments and accrual of interest applies only to federally-backed student loans, which denotes that Trump’s memorandum has no provision for students debts obtained from private lenders.

Trump’s Policy May Lead To Another Financial Crisis

The American President terminated the Iran Agreement in 2018, thereby splitting the rest of the world from the United States. With this tactic, Trump is not only against Europe but also against China, Japan, and Russia. In this regard, Trump will have to strengthen financial markets. Brokers such as Xm Broker may feel an intense pressure knowing that the economy is relying heavily on trade markets. 

Trump: Economy ‘May Be’ Heading Toward Recession Due To Coronavirus

Donald Trump drives the US into isolation by denouncing international agreements. In the past few weeks, the American president has implemented his campaign promises. Although politicians do not necessarily keep promises, Trump is committed to keeping such promises.

This gives voters the impression that he is a reliable politician but, on the other hand, takes an uncritical view of things. The deal with Iran, which Trump has described as the worst deal of his predecessor Obama since the beginning of his term, has now been canceled.

The NAFTA agreement between Canada, Mexico, and the US is also to be renegotiated since the United States was ripped off after this agreement after Trump. Such actions seem like rash children’s games but have a fatal effect.

Jobs and prosperity thanks to the agreements

The alliances, some of which were created with great effort, are now of no value. These agreements have had a considerable advantage for the global economy in recent years. The trade, the mutual purchase and sale of products, was built on this foundation, not only between Germany and the USA with an annual trade volume of over 100 billion euros.

Europe and the Asian countries also benefit from these relationships, the Middle East with its huge oil reserves is an excellent business partner. Jobs and prosperity were created, from which broad sections in all countries benefited.

With this new tactic, the termination of trade agreements, Trump is not only against Europe but also against countries like China, Japan, and Russia. The Europeans who are now at disposition due to the close relationship with the United States have a lot to lose: jobs and economic growth are now at risk.

The Europeans have had a shock trauma in the past few weeks, but now they are working. French President Emmanuel Macron in particular, together with Angela Merkel, is taking control of the action. Together with the Europeans, China and Russia, he wants to forge a trade alliance to show the United States that Trump’s isolation tactic will not work.

Agreements are a long way off

However, the negotiators must not lose the will to continue talking to the US about a way out, and must not let the contact break off. The newly forged alliance must now stand closely together and must not go it alone or be provoked.

Germany, as the largest economy in the European Union, is likely to face the biggest bloodletting if all efforts within the new alliance are to no avail; in the end, a new financial crisis could hold the world in suspense.

The Chinese and US business delegations negotiations were unable to report any significant success. The agreement is still a long way off, as the US delegation has brought in an extensive list of demands.

According to American ideas, the trade deficit with China at this year’s level is expected to shrink by at least $ 200 billion by the end of 2020. In return, China wants to end the US investigation into IPR violations. However, the Middle Kingdom will bite on granite with this project in Washington.

How these Countries are Moving its Way around the Pandemic?

What do you think is the reason why Brazil, Mexico and Argentina reacted differently than any other countries towards Covid-19? Well typically, the response to this question is limited to whether their Jair Bolsonaro, Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Alberto Fernández accordingly recognize scientific facts as well as supporting ambitious measures in fighting the pandemic and mitigating its economic impact. On the other hand, there’s a divergence between the three biggest federations in Latin America that has been driven fundamentally by deeper institutional dynamics.

Experts in political science made a research offering clues to understand such developments particularly when reviewing at 3 critical areas:

  1. Relative power of governors and presidents
  2. Welfare states and;
  3. Political party identification

Among Argentina, Mexico and Brazil, it’s the former that offered the fastest and the most comprehensive response to Covid-19. This is partnered with nationwide and mandatory lockdown, as well as a travel ban and generous social policy package for its citizens that have low-income level and also to those who are in the informal sector.

In Brazil, they have exhibited among the worst responses in areas that are on lockdown. Yet, Brazilian Congress passed social policy package and at the same time, boosted the capacity of its health system. By contrast in Mexico, AMLO offered least comprehensive response with the lack of mandatory lockdown and quite limited plan in protecting informal sector of the society and those who are at low-income level.

How Each Country Reacted to Covid-19 Outbreak?

For the fact that quarantine orders are implemented and somehow impacted individual freedom, you may expect that the regime type – authoritarianism vs. democracy may evidently show its differences. Yet, all countries mentioned are democracies and the ideological orientation of its presidents do not seem to have any sort of relevance as well. Brazil as well as Mexico are after all ruled by its parties and both countries have far from satisfactory results with how it responded to the outbreak.

Labor informality may explain as well why other countries have refrained from enforcing nationwide lockdowns that are hard for informal sector workers. Yet such explanation lacks information because the levels of informality are the same in Brazil and Argentina.

A Very Brief Explanation

Political science research showed a handful of explanations. The orientation of the country’s political parties has enabled its presidents to impose somewhat unpopular moves like nationwide lockdowns. These measures have greater territorial uniformity when its governors are enjoying lower fiscal authority. However, it is imperative as well that they impose sms lån på minuttet anmeldelse to those who are planning to open up a business in these trying times.

Biden’s Newest Ad Worries Dems

Biden’s newest campaign ad was meant as a rebuttal to Trump’s insinuation that the Chinese government supports Biden’s candidacy for self-serving purposes.

The Biden ad shows how during the early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic, Trump simply rolled over with every information and explanations that China willingly offered. The former Vice President projected a tougher stance by saying that if he was in Trump’s position he would have demanded openness from China:

‘“You (China) have to be open; be clear because we have to know what is going on”

However, Democratic voters, particularly those not supportive of a Biden leadership, are saying the party’s presidential nominee is sending mixed signalsthe party’s presidential nominee is sending mixed signals. They are concerned that the campaign could stir anti-Asian sentiments that Trump encouragedwhen the latter later accused China of causing the coronavirus pandemic.

Surge in Harassments Committed Against Asian American

A report published by Stop AAPI Hate revealed that since March 2020, the organization has tracked more than 1,100 incidents of verbal and physical assault against Asian Americaans.

According to the report, harassment actions were mostly directed at women and children; usually taking place in pharmacies and retail stores across 46 state where shelter-in-place has been mandated.

Agencies under the Trump administration, including the Department of Justice (DoJ) or the CDC, are not taking action to stop negative sentiments toward Asian Americans. Although the DoJ made efforts to reach out to Asian American advocacy organizations, the action came only as a show of response to queries put forward by the Center for Public Integrity.

Trump And Republican Allies Turns The Tide On The Witnesses Of The Impeachment Hearings

Fresh off the Impeachment Trial at the Senate, US President Donald Trump appears to seek more than just proving his innocence from all the allegations thrown against him that almost cost him his seat of power at the White House. At this time, the Republican leader promised to not let those people behind the movement to oust him from office get away with what they had done.

Specifically, Trump is said to be holding grudges against those personalities who went to the witness stand during the Impeachment Trial. With the way things are going right now, it is clear that Trump and his allies are starting to exact revenge on the witnesses.

Public Servants Under Fire For Standing Against The President At The Impeachment Hearings

A handful of diplomats and government officials gave their testimonies regarding the Trump administration’s questionable dealings with Ukraine. Unfortunately for them, Trump is now going after them with Lt. Col. Alex Vindman being kicked out of the White House last Friday, which is unexpected as Vindman is set to leave his post only after several months. Although with Trump’s revenge machinery, Vindman’s removal is totally expected after standing witness against the former. As for now, Vindman will see his way back to the Pentagon, but his future still appears uncertain.

Another casualty is US Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland, who was also recalled from his post recently. Like Vindman, Sondland also played a significant role during the Impeachment inquiry.

Many others connected to the Impeachment Trial have already left the government office, or at least re-assigned themselves to another office just to have a safe distance from the White House. However, there is no guarantee that Trump won’t be able to touch them. After all, Trump made it clear that those who showed dissent against him will NOT be tolerated. His message is strong enough that he won’t need any soundboards to be heard.

For House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and all other Democrats who have worked for Trump’s impeachment for the past few months, the battle is still on. Their concern for now is to call out Trump’s childish behavior in seeking retribution after the impeachment hearings.

Speaker Pelosi and Her Impeachment Standoff Strategy to End This Coming Week

Last Friday (January 10, 2020) House Speaker Nancy Pelosi signified that the 3-week standoff in the holding of Donald Trump’s impeachment trial is about to end.

Through a letter sent to her fellow Democrats, she gave particular instructions to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-New York), to be prepared in the coming week. Rep. Nadler will take on the responsibility of bringing to the House floor, a resolution that officially transmits the articles of impeachment to the Senate, while also naming House members who will be appointed as the House’s manage in the impeachment trial.

Although, the articles of impeachment were ratified by the House of Representatives before Christmas, Speaker Pelosi did not send them immediately to the Senate. The move sent Repunlican Senators, specifically Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnel in limbo.

McConnel announced that it was his plan to turn the impeachment trial into an open-and-shut case. As it is, the Republican-controlled Senate simply intends to pass a resolution that will outrightly dismiss all impeachment charges against Donald Trump, without having to call on witnesses even for Trump’s defense.

Apparently, much has happened during the 3-week hiatus including the US-Iran conflict that Trump escalated by ordering the killing of top Iranian military official Major General Qasem Soleimani. Certain incidents and developments seem to have made the time ripe for the continuance of the impeahment trial.

Speaker Pelosi said the impeachment trial will proceed, even without securing a detailed plan of how the Senate will move forward once the ball starts rolling in the Senate floor.

Still, the House Speaker harshly criticized Senator MacConnel (R-Kentucky) for his show of total disregard for the oath he has taken in carrying out his duty as an impartial participant to an impeachment trial… to uphold the interest of the American people and not just that of Donald Trump.

Although Speaker Pelosi’s move to hold out was derided by president Trump and his staunch Republican minions in the senate, there are now indications that the impeachment trial might not carry on the way the Senate Majority Leader had strategized.

Some Republicans Intend to Make a Bipartisan Move to Bring in More Witnesses

The Republican Senator of Maine. Susan Collins has come out with a statement delivered via the Bangor Daily News that she has been working with a small group of Republican Senators, to make certain that the impeachment trial will include the presentation of additional witnesses for the benefit of the appointed House managers and the president’s counsel.

Senator Collins emphasized that they have taken an oath to carry out their duties with impartiality and it is important that both sides will receive fair treatment.

President Trump, Senator McConnel and other Republicans who have continuously lambasted the impeachment proceedings as a hoax, can goad and gloat all they want for having the numbers that will see the charges against Trump instantly dismissed. Yet it only takes four (4) Republican Senators to take a bipartisan stance in making sure a fair trial will transpire by hearing more witness testimonies.

Speaker Pelosi calls Senator McConnell’s intention of immediately passing a resolution to dismiss the impeachment charges as a “cover-up.” He and Republican Senators who support McConnel’s vastly unusual behavior, continue to show total disregard for the oath they had taken.

In New Zealand, Elderly Care Becomes A No-No For Municipalities

Municipalities sound the alarm bell about the bill for helping older residents. The costs rise enormously while the income falls. A million-dollar threat is imminent, signals VNG municipal umbrella.

More and more elderly people turn to their municipality for help in their daily lives. Municipalities offer such services for vulnerable residents through the Social Support Act (WMO). This concerns, for example, personally tailored facilities such as domestic help, home adjustments, and daycare.

A new cost forecast from the VNG, based on a few large municipalities (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Haarlem, Amersfoort, and Apeldoorn), shows that in 2024 many thousands of elderly people will make use of WMO support in these cities. As a result, the costs for the municipalities involved will increase by around seven percent annually in the coming five years.

Home help

The causes: aging, policy to let people live at home longer, less availability of informal carers and the introduction of a new subscription rate for support. Because from this year on, the government will no longer look at income or capital when calculating the personal contribution for home help. Everyone pays a maximum of 17.50 euros per four weeks.

The VNG has always opposed the introduction of this system and now it appears why. The number of clients has risen sharply in the past six months, partly due to the advantageous fixed rate. As a result, spending increased by an average of over seven percent. At the same time, municipalities see a reduction in WMO income from their own contributions to 30 percent on an annual basis.


The municipality umbrella now calls on Minister De Jonge (Health) to look together at measures to ‘keep support and care affordable’. A spokesperson for the minister said that the pocket money for the municipalities already takes into account inflation, rising health care spending and demographic developments, such as the aging population.

ANBO, the elderly organization, is not surprised that municipalities see that their WMO budget is ‘threatening to fly out of the corner’. Director-director Liane den Haan. At ANBO, we believe that we must invest much more in prevention so that we prevent older people from increasingly requiring care. That is why we have been arguing for years for sufficient and suitable housing for the elderly. ”

Elderly care is a growing issue that shouldn’t be taken for granted. While more and more citizens are purchasing life insurance for elderly, there is a need for better facilities to take care of the growing number of seniors.

Should We Trust 100% in Cryptocurrency?

Bitcoin is claiming that it’s the very first decentralized P2P payment network that’s powered by its own users without the presence of middlemen or central authority. As a matter of fact, it is the same reason why there are so many trading platforms and bots like https://gladage.com/bitcoin/trading/best-crypto-trading-bots/ that have filled the market. In reality, the lack of central authority is the major reason why governments are not confident of cryptocurrency.

As a regular individual, you may not be able to totally understand the fear that this is causing to the government as well as currencies. So let us try to step down another level.


What We Trust?

Fiat is the term that’s used in describing traditional currencies issued by the government. These fiat currencies actually have no value until the government say they do. To the people under its sovereignty, this means nothing. At the end of the day, fiat currencies aren’t supported by tangible assets. You simply cannot return the currency back to the government so you get a bar of silver or gold, pack of cigar or any items that may have value to you.

Fiat currencies are backed by government credit and full faith that’s been issued on them. So, if you want silver, gold or pack of cigar, you have to trade your fiat currency with someone who has that item.

Why having Control Matters?

It is the government that is controlling fiat currencies. They are using central banks in the issuance of money. They do this by what’s referred to as monetary policy in exerting economic influence. They are dictating as well how fiat currencies could be transferred by allowing them to monitor currency movement, direct who will profit from movement, track criminal activity and collect taxes on it.

All these controls will be lost as soon as non-government entities have created their own currencies.

There are drawbacks for having control over policy. And there are a lot of them. Possibly, the one that is affected the most is the nation from its effort in controlling crime, nation’s fiscal policy and business environment. While every topic is deep and broad to fill in the void, let us discuss what’s fundamental in this concept.

  • Fiscal Policy

Due to the reason that the government increases or restricts intentionally the amount of money that’s circulating in the economy to stimulate spending and investment, avoid recession, generate jobs, having control over currency is actually a huge concern.

Are There Laws That Regulate Lawsuit Loans?

If you are a plaintiff in a personal injury (or other type of lawsuit) and have a cash shortage, you may be considering a lawsuit loan. With a lawsuit loan such as pre settlement loans auto accidents, you can receive the funds you need right away. A private lender prepays the money to the plaintiff, expecting that the money plus interest will be repaid from future settlements or judgments.

Lawsuit Loans in Your State

Not like other forms of financing, lawsuit loans are generally not governed by certain laws of the federal government. There are only a few states in the U.S. that have implemented some consumer safeguards for those who wants to avail of this type of funding. This is partially based on the argument that that lawsuit funding is basically not a loan but a form of cash advance from the money or settlement entitled to the plaintiff if he or she wins the case.

The lawsuit funding sector explained that lawsuit loans are generally not loans since these type of funding is nonrecourse. This means that plaintiffs do not have to pay back the money in the event that they lose the case. Rather, they define the ventures as nonrecourse acquisitions of a percentage of the profits of a probable future case settlement.

The industry continues to be criticized because of its huge fees and insufficient transparency in terms of business practices. Having less or no transparency at all makes it hard for borrowers to come up with an educated decision if a lawsuit loan will benefit them in their case. Some state and federal authorities make an effort to safeguard people from unethical loan providers in other aspects of consumer credit, including student loans, promissory notes in cases of a home mortgage, an application for a credit card, a car installment and even lease contracts.

Using this argument, lawsuit lenders have convinced some state legislatures not to regulate their products as if they were traditional loans. Though, certain courts and some states require lawsuit lenders to comply with state lending laws or otherwise regulate lawsuit lenders. For example, a 2015 decision by the Colorado Supreme Court determined that these kinds of agreements are, in fact, loans and subject to state lending laws.

By this statement, private lenders providing these types of funding have persuaded some legislatures of the state not to control their loan solutions like regular loans. On the other hand, a number of courts and selected states necessitate litigation lenders to conform with lending regulations imposed by the state. For instance, the Colorado Supreme Court ruling in 2015 identified that many of these contracts are in reality loans and they are governed by the laws of the state on customer loans.

Because there are little formal consumer protections regarding lawsuit loans, if you are considering this type of funding, you need to be extra vigilant. Understand what the loans are, carefully consider whether such a loan is a wise financial decision in your situation, and if you decide to look for a loan, shop carefully.

Since there are no well defined laws that protect the consumer against lawsuit loans, extra care must be taken when considering these kinds of funding. Fully comprehend what the loan is then cautiously reflect if this type of loan is a wise financial resolution in the present scenario.

Bottom line

Lawsuit loans aren’t closely regulated in contrast to various types of loan products that are closely regulated. Nonetheless, there are some settlement loans that are regulated in some states. Therefore, every state has its own stand concerning lawsuit or settlement loans. You must get in touch with the attorney general in your area to know if there are certain rules that are imposed regarding this type of funding.

Look at other options like taking out a personal loan. For those who have good credit, obtaining a regular personal loan could be a wise choice. Good credit rating could help you be eligible for a significantly lower interest rate compared to a settlement loan.

How Charitable Are The 2020 US Presidential Candidates?

Charity is providing or voluntary help to indigent individuals, as a philanthropic or humanitarian deed. Others put is as altruism, the practice or idea of unbiased, selfless and self-effacing concern for the welfare of others.

Insuring These Philanthropic Acts

Because of these altruistic and humanitarian deeds, numerous charity organizations of various cause have been and are being established. And just like any other organizations, whether profit or non-profit, need to have a form of insurance to protect what they have.

Certain charity insurance is formulated to cover the numerous risks that may be encountered by charities, non-profit organizations, voluntary origination, local community groups and more. Such coverage includes Employers’ liability including volunteers, property damage for buildings and contents, and Business interruption including for donations and grants.

How Giving Are The US Presidential Candidates of 2020?

Individuals who give to charity are usually those who are well-off. However, not all who are affluent are charitable.

For instance, candidates of the US presidential elections in 2020 have comfortable lives, where two are billionaires and most of them are almost millionaires. However, they aren’t the most charitable group.

Almost all candidates with tax returns have donated not more than 5% of their revenue, frequently falling behind average Americans in similar tax range. As per recent findings, the entirety of their identified giving which amounts to $198 million appears impressive, until you take into account that 98% of the total amount is from Tom Steyer alone, a billionaire who has donated 193 million US dollars to three of his charities.

Among the 2020 presidential candidates, the very charitable one, with regards to the percentage of donated income, is Cory Booker. From his tax return record, over the past 10 years, the US senator from New Jersey has donated 485,000 US dollars. Approximately half of the amount came in 2013 alone when he has given away in cash about 130,000 US dollars and 130,000 US dollars’ worth of stock to charities in New Jersey. His tax returns, every other year, display gifts/donations from 2% to 16%.

In absolute terms, billionaire Tom Steyer is the identified to be the biggest donor. However, of the hopefuls who have issued their tax returns, Senator Cory Booker has revealed to have given the biggest fraction of earnings.

The other candidates who have made known of tax returns have given much less. For instance, Elizabeth Warren and husband since 2008 have donated to charity almost 420,000 US dollars which is about 4% of the 10 million US dollars they earned throughout that span of time. The tax return of Kamala Harris displays a giving of around 200,000 US dollars since 2014 which is about 2% of his earnings. Since 2009, Bernie Sanders gave around 106,000 US dollars which is approximately 2% of what Sander’s and his wife earned.


House Speaker Pelosi Tells Republican House Representatives to Get Serious

Speaking on behalf of the House Democrats, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in a press conference last Tuesday (October 15, 2019) that the House of Representatives will not subject the impeachment inquiry into a voting process.

Speaker Pelosi said

“We’re not here to call bluffs,” “This is not a game to us. This is deadly serious.”

Yet, Republicans continue to question the authority of the Lower House to conduct the impeachment probe. Actually, their contention is one of the “talking points’ recommended by the White House to support the Trump administration’s refusal to cooperate in the ongoing impeachment inquiry; particularly in submitting other documents related to Trump’s controversial phone call with Ukraine President Zelensky.

In fact, the White House officially declared war against the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives by way of a letter that conveyed the Trump administration’s refusal to cooperate with what it terms as an “illegitimate court.”

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff said Republican Representatives are aware of the power given by the Constitution to the Lower House with regard to the impeachment process. Chairman Schiff rationalized that Republicans know it, but are merely dodging discussions about Trump’s illegal conduct, by steering focus of discussions on the impeachment process instead.

However, as the House continues to issue subpoenas, the White House is slowly losing ground as former Trump administration officials defied orders not to appear before the impeachment inquiry hearings.

White House’s Flimsy Position Crumbles as Former Ambassador and Ukraine Advisor Confirm Whistleblower’s Complaint

Ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, testified in Congress that she was ousted from her post through the machinations of Rudy Guilani and two former Ukraine officials (now held under indictment charges filed by the FBI.) The ambassador said the ouster came about because she disapproved of how Rudy Guilani was making deals with corrupt Ukraine officials.

After Ambassador Yovanovitch, the House proceeded in receiving the testimony of Fiona Hill, former national presidential adviser for EU affairs specializing in Russia and Ukraine matters. Ms. Hill volunteered to testify, outside of the subpoena issued to her by Congress.

Her testimony provided information upholding the whistleblower’s complaint that there is an underlying quid pro quo shrouding the controversial Ukraine telephone call.

Ms. Hill mentioned the names of EU Ambassador Gordon Sondland, acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, and of course, Rudy Guilani as persons having a hand in the plan to withhold the Ukraine military aide, in exchange for Ukraine’s cooperation to dig up dirt on Joe Biden. According to Ms. Hill, Sondland claimed he was in-charge of the matter, whilst claiming that his authorization to do so came from Donald Trump himself.

Ambassador Sondland was previously called upon by the House to testify in connection with a text message mentioning quid pro quo about the Ukraine aid, but backed out because he received orders from White House not to do so. Ambassador Sondland though, has now expressed willingness to appear in Congress, despite White House orders, but after he was issued a subpoena.

He is scheduled to appear next Thursday, October 24, 2019, to which Chairman Schiff’s committee will grill him not only about the text messages, but also on the information provided by former Russia and Ukraine adviser, Fiona Hill.

Republicans’ call for impeachment voting has apparently been doused by the spate of serious information underlying the controversial Ukraine call. Now silent, they are apparently waiting for advisory on “talking points” they could use on how to best defend their “lord and master” Donald Trump.

Senior Voters will Likely Support a Democratic Candidate who Can Address Their Retirement Problems

Older adults, ages 65 and over, are known to be more involved in presidential elections than the younger groups of people.

Based on data gathered by the U.S. Census Bureau, 71% of the American voters who participated in the last 2016 presidential elections were senior citizens. Even more notable is that aside from Social Security benefits and health care costs, they are now showing support for actions that address climate change, inequality of income and accessibility of education. Apparently, their interests are veering toward the ideologies supported by the leftists.

After all, the previous Obama administration was able to address social and economic issues with a balanced view, instead of simply focusing only on economic and world conflict problems.

That is why Joe Biden, who served as vice president to Barack Obama appears to be the candidate that older voters will support in the forthcoming 2020 elections. However, many are gradually having doubts about the former vice president, since the latter has yet to present a clear and solid plan on how he intends to address the issues that the older generation cares about.

Bernie Sanders is the next likely candidate that senior citizens would choose to elect. Still, Sanders’ constant voicing of his Medicare-for-all agenda leaves them the impression that he has not given much focus on other problems that greatly affect the quality of life in America.

Although Elizabeth Warren is a less seasoned candidate when compared to Biden and Sanders, she appears to be the only candidate who presents well-thought-of-plans concerning various important issues.

They hear Warren mouthing not only promises on Social Security and health care reforms. Senior adults are also hearing specific actions on how she intends to institute and carry out reforms. After all, most senior voters today come from working class families,

Warren’s awareness of how the elderly are still experiencing difficulties when it comes to saving for a decent retirement, has piqued their political interest.

Most of Today’s Older Adults are Still Striving to Make Ends Meet

A recent survey was conducted to determine the main reasons why most senior American adults today, have not opted to retire despite reaching age 65. Provision Living, a company focused on providing the basic needs of senior citizens, polled 1,000 eligible retirees to find out why they are not keen on retiring.

A third of the eligible retirees who participated in the polls cited financial ineptness. About 23% of whom indicated that their family is still largely dependent on their financial support. Nineteen percent (19%) still need to settle financial obligations. Generally, they foresee retirement as an option that they will take once they reach age 72.

Nonetheless, many of those who are deferring plans for retirement have taken on a Lifetime Mortgage that will allow them to semi-retire by working on part-time jobs. That way, they can still provide support to their family or allow them to settle their remaining financial obligations without having to engage in full time jobs.

What is a Lifetime Mortgage?

A Lifetime Mortgage is a type of loan available to olders citizens who are at least 55 years old and living on real property that they own. This loan works on the principle that since properties appreciate in value, older adults can harness their equity interests on their property, in order to solve problems that prevent them from retiring.

The advantage of a Lifetime Mortgage is that it will not burden the senior adult with monthly payments. That is because the entire settlement of the equity borrowing will be deferred until the borrower passes away or has entered a nursing home.

When considering this option as a means to solve problems that prevent an eligible retiree from retiring, the value of the loanable amount must first be determined by using an equity release calculator.
